For the last several weeks I have
been living in Bali which is where the mill is located. Bali is
situated about 20 km west of Bamenda and is connected by a paved road
making the trip to and from quick and painless. Bali is a decent
sized village, probably less than 10,000 people but the paved road
makes it a pretty bustling place. Also, there are several small
colleges and universities in town which keeps the age demographic
much more evenly distributed than in my former village (where there
were essentially no persons between the ages of 20 and 35). The Fon
of Bali is a premiere Fon and he maintains a very impressive palace
and works hard to keep the culture of the region active making Bali a
very popular stop for tourists to the region.
A well experienced person (that is
to say, not me) can work through one or two sacs in a day (I would
want to set aside about a week) depending on the grade. My impression
is that people are happy to have the opportunity to work at sorting
as they can take home more cash then they would from a days labor in
the farm, the hours are flexible, and the atmosphere among the
sorters is pleasantly communal with children being more than welcome
and a small meal shared each day.
As the season for selecting and
cleaning wears to an end, I am anxious to travel towards Oku to meet
our farmer partners whom I will be working with on the organic
certification project.